Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Top Five Ways to Get Ready for Fall

Brrr...Can you feel the chill outside? It's Fall now and that means winter is on it's way. Winter is not one of my favorite seasons. I would be happy if Fall could stay just a bit longer. The crimson, burnt orange, and yellow leaves are just breathtaking this time of year. This is actually my first real Fall because I have never really lived anywhere where there is an actual Fall. California has a Fall, where leaves change and fall to the ground but nothing as gorgeous as Virginia Fall. I love the idea of putting on sweaters and jeans and boots. Anyways on to tips for to stay organized and keep a functioning household for Fall! 

Tip number one: Get rid of/put away warm weather clothes! I know this is pretty basic and self-explanatory but it's easier said than done. Start going through summer clothes and donating or trading them in for bigger sizes or putting them away in Space Bags and plastic totes for your younger children. Once Upon A Child  is an excellent resource, if you don't have one of those you can ask your local thrift store if they offer anything similar or look for clothing swaps in your area! This is when I start looking for winter clothes for my three boys and my baby girl. My three year old son usually gets a tote pulled out with hammy downs from his older brothers but sometimes this is not enough and he will still need a few items. When Old Navy was having a back to school sale, I bought each boy two-three long sleeved shirts, three pairs of jeans for my eldest boy, and I got the baby a new outfit, all for under $100. I also received Old Navy bucks to spend later, which I never got to but it's still a good amount of savings if you take advantage of it. My middle son can use some hammy downs from his older brother and he still has some stuff from the previous year that fits. So we just make it work! I also found the dollar store and Wal-Mart are good resources for mittens and gloves, especially since boys seem to lose everything. 

Tip number two: Get rid of stuff! I know this is similar to the last one but I am talking more about clutter. You know the dining room table full of school papers, mail, bills, and junk mail...? Yeah me either ;). Toys that the kids no longer play with, but pull out when you go to donate it or put it aside for your Fall Garage sale. (Yes, we are having one of those!) Go through each room in your house and throw away or donate or put aside ten items for your Garage sale. This will not only clear up clutter but it will allow you to stop cleaning up stuff that you don't have to. For instance, in my living room right now, I have a bajillion toddler and baby toys. I plan on trying to sell at least half of them in our garage sale. I have a bench with baskets in it which seems like a great idea to keep everything organized but the kids just cram whatever they can in it and half the time the toys in it don't get played with. So I will go through each basket and get rid of at least half. I have to do this when my three year old isn't home though or he will just play with everything and I won't get anything done. This is where part-time preschool comes in handy!

Tip number three: Pick one room in the house each day to deep clean! This isn't just a good tip for Fall but year-round. I just find it fitting for Fall because it can be overwhelming when it's starting to get chilly outside and you don't feel like doing anything. Make that pot of coffee and get to work. Have your spouse help you or your kids,if doable! This weekend my husband kindly took the living room apart for me and vacuumed behind/under/on the couch and under the living room rug. This was super sweet of him because he works throughout the week but I have been seeing more and more spiders and I despise spiders! I am guessing they are coming inside to hide from the cold and stay warm. Look in your house where you get the most traffic, AKA where everyone piles their junk. A high traffic area for us is our entry way,where we store our shoes and dirt gets trampled in and stuff gets crammed onto the shoe rack and the boys paper's end up out of their backpacks. My plan is to get rid of shoes not being worn and only allow each person to have one pair of shoes on the rack and get rid of the junk accumulating there. I will also sweep and mop and clean the windows on our backdoor where we come in. Do you have an area in your house that gets really messy(messier than everywhere else)?

Tip number four: Have fun with Fall! Can some salsa or Tomatoes(tomatoes are on sale but we grew some of our own) or decorate your front porch. Not everything has to be cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning. We took the time to decorate the front porch for Halloween this past weekend. This is my husband's favorite Holiday and it didn't take too much effort. Sweep the porch, set up spider webs, spiders, and throw some tombstones and your good to go. It's not hard. The dollar store has a great deal of things to use. I even bought a wreath at Wal-Mart to hang up and it has sunflowers and baby pumpkin's on it. Sunflowers are my favorite. Is there something special you do to decorate for Fall or Halloween? 

Tip number five: Do maintenance on the house before Fall. This means checking your gutters for leaves and cleaning them out, checking your lightbulbs to make sure they are not only energy saving friendly but all in working order, candles and enough canned food in case of bad weather, and turning your heater on to make sure it's still in good working order. I am sure there is a lot more you can do but these are just a few things that I will be doing to make sure everything is in working order so we can have a carefree Fall and get ready for the Winter ahead! 

Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog! I am a new blog writer and I am just starting out. I am hoping to get as much experience as possible through writing about my own life/experiences. I just do what works best for myself and for my family. 


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